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Budget Buying Guide: Adding Subtle Gay Pride Decor to Your Home

Budget Buying Guide: Adding Subtle Gay Pride De...

Here’s a fun and budget-friendly guide to decorating your new place with queer and gay pride home goods.

Budget Buying Guide: Adding Subtle Gay Pride De...

Here’s a fun and budget-friendly guide to decorating your new place with queer and gay pride home goods.

Caitlyn Jenner is in Favor of Transgender Athle...

Caitlyn Jenner, a former Olympic champion, has backed a ban on transgender athletes competing in women's sports teams in New York county. She argues that transgender athletes should not participate...

Caitlyn Jenner is in Favor of Transgender Athle...

Caitlyn Jenner, a former Olympic champion, has backed a ban on transgender athletes competing in women's sports teams in New York county. She argues that transgender athletes should not participate...

Trans Couple Attacked By Mob In Greece Leads To Thousands Protesting In LGBTQ+ Support

Trans Couple Attacked By Mob In Greece Leads To...

Less than a month after Greece approved marriage equality, an LGBTQ+ couple faced a violent attack during the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival. A transgender couple was targeted by a group of...

Trans Couple Attacked By Mob In Greece Leads To...

Less than a month after Greece approved marriage equality, an LGBTQ+ couple faced a violent attack during the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival. A transgender couple was targeted by a group of...

Planet Fitness Displays True Allyship: Banning Transphobic Woman For Filming In Locker Rooms

Planet Fitness Displays True Allyship: Banning ...

Planet Fitness has set the standard for true allyship when it come's to transgender rights, after they permanently revoked Silvia Patricia Silva's membership for posting a video on facebook of a...

Planet Fitness Displays True Allyship: Banning ...

Planet Fitness has set the standard for true allyship when it come's to transgender rights, after they permanently revoked Silvia Patricia Silva's membership for posting a video on facebook of a...

Anti-Trans Candidates Are Losing... Big Time

Anti-Trans Candidates Are Losing... Big Time

It seems like America can finally agree on one thing, the world has bigger problems than boys who kiss boys or girls who kiss girls.

Anti-Trans Candidates Are Losing... Big Time

It seems like America can finally agree on one thing, the world has bigger problems than boys who kiss boys or girls who kiss girls.

Straight Pride Actually Happened

Straight Pride Actually Happened

Yes, straight pride actually happened. Were intentions pure or was this an attempt to make a mockery of the lgbt community, and why it matters.

Straight Pride Actually Happened

Yes, straight pride actually happened. Were intentions pure or was this an attempt to make a mockery of the lgbt community, and why it matters.