Planet Fitness Displays True Allyship: Banning Transphobic Woman For Filming In Locker Rooms
Planet Fitness has set the standard for true allyship when it come's to transgender rights, after they permanently revoked Silvia Patricia Silva's membership for posting a video on facebook of a transgender woman changing in the locker room.
Patricia Silvia photographed the transgender woman while misgendering her saying that she "loves" her "in Christ" and that she "is a spiritual being having a human experience."
She also stated that she was not "comfortable" with the woman "shaving in my bathroom" in the video while also mentioning she "wants to be a woman."
After harassing the other woman Silvia complained to the staff who did nothing about the situation.
Planet fitness has a nondiscrimination policy that states they will not discriminate against transgendered individuals. It explains: “If it is confirmed that a member is acting in bad faith and improperly asserts a gender identity, they may be asked to leave and their membership may be terminated."
Planet Fitness has displayed true allyship in this situation showing zero tolerance for transphobia. The LGBT community has seen a lot of false claims from massive corporations claiming to be lgbtqia+ friendly. This is a true demonstration of what actually being inclusive looks like.
Transgender folks see this and spread this, Planet Fitness is a true safe space. Accepting bare minimum acts of false community should no longer be accepted. A new standard has been set, and planet Fitness is the new gold standard.
Silvia continues to post on facebook, upset with the outcome. Ending her facebook video claiming she "might" report the incident to the police, although nothing illegal took place. She also states, "thank you for cancelling my membership" and that they saved her a trip.
This just goes to show, that 'if they wanted to, they would.' Next time you see target removing it's pride collection consider what would planet fitness do?